
Lake Whitehall Tour - Geocaching

My separated shoulder is still bothering me so I haven't been doing too much lately. Eric wanted to go kayaking so I took him to Lake Whitehall. I did a little bit of hiking while he was out on the water and when he was thoroughly tired out we packed up the kayak and set out to do a geocache.

The cache I chose was called Lake Whitehall Tour - Part 1. It turned out to be a fun mutlicache. Multicaches have multiple stops before you reach the final geocache location. Usually each stop gives you coordinates to the next location until you reach the final destination. The way we did this multicache involved about a 4 mile hike since we chose to hike partway around the lake to get to the starting point rather than driving. Since the hike was around a lake it was fairly flat terrain overall, but there were a few steep hills here and there to keep thinks interesting.


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