My Best Cruise Ever
Before you start reading too much into the title you should know this was also my first cruise ever. To ensure a high impact title I decided I should go with either “Best” or “Worst”, and since I had fun I went with best. With that said let’s get on with the details of why this was the best cruise I ever took.
Getting There
The logistical planning for operation cruise started over a year ago. The cruise line chosen was Carnival Cruise Lines because our cruise expert (having survived 3 cruises) said she always had fun on Carnival. Then we worked out a date, which was pretty easy since none of us tend to know what we’re doing next week let alone next year. In the end we picked September because it was cheap.
The seven of us who made the final roster all knew each other from when we lived in Wisconsin, but some of us had moved away over the years. Since we were coming from all over the country to the port of Miami, the first goal of our trip was to meet up in Miami on Friday. Kristen, Joe, Natalie, and Lee all reside in Wisconsin so they all jumped on an early Northwest flight. I’m sure that I’ve mentioned how I dislike Northwest because I seem to have a problem about half of the time I fly on their planes. Anyways their flight was delayed. This caused them to miss their next flight. Then Northwest scheduled them to fly on a flight that had already departed, which they obviously missed. After 17 hours of travel they finally made it to Miami, but their luggage was lost. All Northwest could say was that they were looking for the luggage and would get it to them as soon as they found it. All they could do was hope that this luggage was found before the cruise left on the next day. Next to leave was Zimlor, who was flying out of Los Angles on some non-Northwest airline. He arrived in Miami long before anyone else. Eric and I decided to take a direct flight on American Airlines from Boston to Miami after work on Friday. Eric and I thought it was funny how we left about 12 hours later than the Wisconsin group, but arrived in Miami at about the same time. For some reason they didn’t think it was very humorous.
Time at Sea
My cruise involved three stops in different ports, which I’ll talk about later. But before I get to that I want to tell you about the time we spent at sea. Every night was spent on the ship, and three full days were also spent at sea traveling between these ports. Carnival called the days at sea “Fun Day at Sea” days and they did do their best to make them entertaining.
Cozumel, Mexico
On Monday we stopped at our first port in Cozumel, Mexico. There was no place to dock the Triumph so we took tenders off the ship to the mainland of Mexico. These tenders are free and there is always free shopping or exploring you could do at the ports; however, I chose to pay extra for special excursions at each of the ports we stopped at.
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Wednesday morning we arrived at our second port in Grand Cayman. Lee and Natalie went to pet the stingrays and other aquatic life. Kristen, Joe, Eric, and Zimlor headed off to do some snorkeling around a sunken ship. One of my friends got a bloody nose from the pressure and another released his breakfast when he was kicked in the stomach. I was told that the fish found his breakfast tasty (icky). Even with these mishaps everyone had fun. I went off on my own to participate in scuba diving. I am certified in scuba and just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of diving at the world famous Grand Cayman Island.
The second dive was at a wrecked ship they used to call Green Gold. It was named this because it would buy green bananas from the islands and then sell them in the United States for a lot of money once they had turned yellow. Eventually the banana market crashed and the captain decided to start smuggling marijuana. He kept the crew happy for awhile by keeping them on an all you can smoke diet, but eventually they realized just how much he was making from the sales and decided to wrap a chain around his neck and his buddy the ship’s navigator. Then they threw them into that trench I was just diving. Throwing the navigator overboard turned out to be a mistake because a short time later they ran into a reef which tore a hole in the bottom of the ship and left it stranded on top of the reef. The crew swam to shore leaving the ship there. It didn’t take long for the locals to hear what was still on board the ship and there were many ships heading out to that reef to grab some of the stash. The local police figured out what was going on and hulled the ship into harbor and put a fence around it. It wasn’t long before people were hopping the fence to get to the stash. Then the police decided to take out all the marijuana and burn it. They waited for a day when the wind was blowing out to sea, but right after they started the fire the winds shifted and the biggest beach on the island was covered by the smoke. There are pictures in the island’s archive that show an entire beach full of a bunch of high folks. Anyways after all this the police gave the ship to a local dive shop which sunk the ship in about 50 feet of water for scuba divers to explore.
The dive master had warned us to keep our elbows tucked into our bodies or these two foot long gray fish would start biting at them. I didn’t think much of this while I was still on the ship waiting to dive, but once I was down there I was glad I had listened. I would keep my elbows in for awhile and then I’d forget about it. Then MUNCH! One of those dudes would take a good old bite at my elbows and I’d quickly bring them in again. It wasn’t bad enough to bleed, but it sure made me remember to bring those elbows in. It’s bizarre how they would only try and take a bite out of a wandering elbow. The wreck was pretty awesome. It was broken up a little from a few hurricanes in recent years, but it was still mostly intact.
On both of the dives the sea life was amazing. One really cool part of the sea live was these little bug creatures with long legs. When a couple of these group together they become a fish cleaning station. Some of the larger fish will swim up to these cleaning stations and open their big mouths, and these little guys will go in there and clean out the fish’s teeth. I swam up to one and it would clean off my finger. I was told if you remove your regulator and open your mouth these guys would start cleaning your teeth. However, when I tried this they didn’t seem interested. Bad breath perhaps?
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
The shipped booked it all night at near its max speed of 21 knots and we arrived at Ocho Rios, Jamaica on Thursday morning. In Jamaica the Triumph was able to dock and we walked off the ship. We were given many warning about the green green grass of Jamaica (Marijuana), but no one ever tried to sell us any. Lee and Natalie had a blast snorkeling; while the rest of us went on a canopy adventure.
The canopy adventure was a series of zip lines high up in the jungle that leads you down a mountain. It wasn’t all that extreme, but it was a nice ride through the jungle. Anyone who isn’t too scared of heights and can walk down steps for five minutes should be able to do it. There was ton of jungle vegetation to look at which was cool, but not as much wildlife as I had expected.
I’ll probably write a little more about this trip, and I’ll certainly be posting more pictures in the future.
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