
Big Brothers Big Sisters - Applying

I've been thinking about volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) for a few years. For those not familiar with BBBS, it's a nationwide program that is essentially a youth mentoring organization matching adults (which they call bigs) with children (which they call littles) who typically come from lower income families where the child lacks stability and/or role models. BBBS tries to match littles and bigs that have similar interests. The responsibility of the big is to spend one on one time with his little just doing something the little finds fun. I figured having fun helping out children is for me!

I finally decided to call BBBS last week to get my application process rolling. First I filled out a web application with basic information about myself and three references. Then they emailed me a few forms that I filled out. There was a short one page questionnaire and a few forms allowing them to perform some background checks. I understand why they need to do these background checks, but it still makes me sad to think such a process is necessary.

Next Tuesday I have an interview scheduled with them at 7:30 AM in Worcester. Don't let the time scare you away from volunteering. They were very flexible on the times for an interview. I choose that time because I'm usually up before 6AM so 7:30 is very reasonable for me, and allows me to go there before going to work.

I'll post more about this after the interview. If everything goes well, I'll spend about an hour a week doing fun activities with my little sometime in the not too distant future.

Have fun!


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