
I've Got a Short Half Life

During lunch Roger said to me, "You're a person with a very short half life". This was in reference to how I bounce around between different hobbies. I thought it's one of the better descriptions of me that I've heard in awhile.

In related news I've been doing three new projects in my spare time. I've been writing a video game, making a robotic green house, and researching/planning a time-lapse photo shoot.


Photo Class

I've been taking a studio photography class for the past few months. Here's a collection of my best pictures from the course. And here is a link to my instructor's page where there are some of my photos along with photos from other students in my class.


Shader X6

My second publication in a real live book just happened! This time I'm a contributer to Shader X6. My chapter is titled "Efficiently Using Tile-Based GPUs on Mobile Phones".

Now that I'm a famous author my next step is becoming a famous movie star. Strike that, I'd way rather join the Peace Corps. But I'll keep doing what I'm doing until I get bored with it since I like my job right now.


Snowboarding at Bretton Woods

I went snowboarding with a Steve today. We went up to Bretton Woods. The conditions were super awesome!

He asked to share my snowboarding photos from Sunday River and Bretton Woods. I mostly concentrated on snowboarding so my photos aren't very good, but here they are.


Snow Ball Fight

There was a nice snow storm.

So I took my little brother to the park. We had a blast sledding, having snowball fights, and building a snowman.

Here's a hilarious video we made.

Give blood

It's that time again. I gave blood today and that means I'm going to remind you to do the same. Save a life and sign up on the Red Cross web site today! My big fans know I remind you to give blood every two months and if you're one of those people who kind of just ignore these requests, please think about it again. It's such an easy thing to do and yet so important.

Eric Moved Back to Wisconsin

My best bud Eric, who's been living with me for about three years, has moved back to is home state of Wisconsin. It's been a few days since he left and it definitely feel like something is missing around here...

I hope he finds happiness back home.